A set of case studies for use in preparation for an osteopathic licensing exam.


COMLEX LEVEL 2 PE is a study tool designed to prepare users for the eponymous exam in osteopathy. The base version (free as of this writing) contains just three case studies, while a $19.99 in-app purchase ostensibly grants access to more than sixty additional case studies covering a variety of bodily systems.

Each case study comes with a PowerPoint presentation that may be viewed as a series of image slides or as a video with computer-voice narration.

While I cannot make any evaluation about the efficacy of this application in preparing for the specific exam it targets, I can observe both good and bad user interface practices in play (mostly bad). First off, the program's introductory screen misleads you into thinking you have purchased the whole enchilada, when all you've really got is a tortilla. Questionable grammar and weird graphics undermine the program's legitimacy. And watching a video with automated narration doesn't do any favors to the idea that the patient is a human being rather than a block of data.

At least the program incorporates viewing customization for the static presentation version, and appears to be presenting accurate information.


  • Choice of image- or video-based presentation


  • True cost is $20; it's just a preview without in-app purchase
  • Interface kind of sucks
This program received 1 award
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