CoLocalizer Pro

Professional quantitative colocalization analysis software used to obtain new and objective information about proteins and nucleic acids visualized...

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CoLocalizer Pro is a professional quantitative colocalization analysis software used to obtain new and objective information about proteins and nucleic acids visualized using fluorescence techniques.

It combines the power of its unique background correction tools with implementation of the already established algorithms to estimate colocalization quantitatively. CoLocalizer Pro software is used by the leading scientific laboratories worldwide and has become a dé facto standard in this field of research.
Features include:
- Works with images obtained by all major brands of confocal microscopes.
- Uses it's unique background correction tools to ensure reliability of quantification.
- Employs published algorithms for instant calculation of all known colocalization coefficients on the selected region of interest (ROI).
- Performs all calculations without the need for a confocal microscope.
- Analyzes image ROI, scatter gram ROI, reveals colocalized and selected pixels, traces pixels of a particular color.
- Exports data in various formats, such as Microsoft Escel, PDF, and HTML.
- Includes a comprehensive knowledge base for correct interpretation of the obtained coefficients calculations results.
- A native Mac OS X application, compatible with Apple iLife software suite.

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CoLocalzation Research Sofware