CashHaven 6.0

Organize payments and purchases without cash.
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6.0 See all
Holy Mackerel Software
Used by 6 people
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Simplify finance handling for small businesses. Register payments with a virtual allowance and deduce certain sums whenever a client confirms a purchase of one of the items in the inventory. Generate reports on the spending and prevent further purchases once the balance reaches zero.

CashHaven is a system for paying for goods without having to handle cash. Each user is given a cash allowance. Certain users are given the privilege of begin able to 'sell' items through CashHaven as set in the Preferences window. As these users log into CashHaven they are able to log the sale of goods or returns. Only an Administrator can allocate a value to each User's account. This must be done before any user has the ability to make a Sale. When a user wants to make a purchase the operator enters a quick description of the goods to be sold and the sale price. The purchaser must enter their password before the transaction is completed. The fact that the sale must come from an existing allocation of funds means that once the user's account reaches zero they cannot make any more sales. The other benefit is that each operator does not have the security risk of handling cash, nor the ability to add value to their own account. Each transaction with the date and time, the transaction amount the goods description, the previous balance and the resultant balance are shown to the purchaser before their sale. While goods can be returned for a refund again no cash is handled. The operator can look up the history of transactions and see when the goods were sold and for how much as verification of fraud. Also the operator cannot return their own goods for return. CashHaven can run over the Cloud so that people can access the system from anywhere including administrators modifying any values.

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