CaniVIZ Free by Andeor

CaniVIZ Free is a collaborative 3D viewer designed for non-specialist users and able to handle large 3D files with several million polygons...


CaniVIZ Free is a collaborative 3D viewer designed for non-specialist users and able to handle large 3D files with several million polygons on general public platforms.
It can be used for mechanics, architecture, engineering or communication.

It opens 3D Studio, STL, WaveFront and ASCII cloud files. CaniVIZ also saves the 3D files in our VIZ format, one of most compact of the market. CaniVIZ Pro DWG is able to open DXF/DWG.
It works on MacOS™, Windows™ and Linux™, as well as in the Web browsers and it can be integrated into third party applications using its SDK.
CaniVIZ proposes the functionalities needed to review 3D projects, like rotation, translation and zoom, easy point of view selection and fly mode.
The property tree displays the structure of the 3D files where the component can be hidden or displayed one by one. The light position as its properties are easily modifiable, as well as the base and the background, in order to obtain nice renderings. The Anaglyph mode displays the scene in relief at lower costs, with Red-Green or Red-Blue glasses.
For demonstrations, the Showroom mode lets CaniVIZ working alone by displaying the 3D scene in various point of views.
If you want special features or improvements, fell free to ask us for them: as we are very customer aware and responsive ; your wishes will be certainly included in the next free update...
In addition, if you experience difficulties with the file importation, please inform our support line and the problem will be corrected in a couple of days!
CaniBLOG, the CaniVIZ's Cloud, allows 3D files sharing and collaboration on any platform. The access rights of the invited users are managed with precision. CaniBLOG is available at our Web site.
CaniVIZ Light and CaniVIZ Pro include a lot of other advanced functionalities.
Please feel free to use our support line for any question, bug report, feature wish, etc.

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