Burp and Fart Piano

Burps and farts are funny! If you dont think they are, dont download this app.


Burp and Fart Piano is an app that lets you play a piano that instead of producing musical notes produces sounds of burps and farts.

There is a button that changes the sounds from burps to farts and you can even use the spacebar to quickly switch for melodies that contain both burps and farts. As the developers put it, this app is great if you want to play melodies with burps and farts without having to risk changing your pants or throwing up.

The main window shows the piano keys. You can either click on them with your mouse or use the keyboard letters. There is an option that puts letters on the keys so that you can know which letter corresponds to a certain key. With version 2.0, a songbook has been added to the app. It teaches you how to play a few songs by highlighting the keys on the piano. The available songs are Happy Birthday, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and For He's a Jolly Good Fellow. They are easy to learn, too.

All in all, this is an app that will get old really quick, but it is a fun concept and it works well. It is free on the Mac App Store.


  • It is fun for a little while
  • It teaches you a few songs


  • It can get old really fast
This program received 1 award
Sam Meech Ward
License type:
Marianna Jio 11 years ago

I enjoyed the two hours spent on the application, but then I got bored as I am no musician and do not have any other possible use of the app.