Manage your personal budget with this simple-to-use tool. You will be able to record real-world and Internet transactions and link them to the balances on your credit card and checking accounts, so you are always informed of your budget situation.
The trial period of the program will limit the number of recorded transactions to up to 250 with no more than 25 transactions per an envelope. The bank account can be balanced only 4 times and there are watermarks on the checks and reports. All of the limitations are removed once you've purchased the 40-dollar program.
The program comes with a great tutorial and help on the developer's website. It is also available for iDevices, so you can use it on the go. The accounts are stored in envelopes. Each envelope can have transactions which determine the total for that account. The program features the instant overall financial situation graph chart in the right lower corner, which is visible at all times.
Overall, this is a very simple tool to record your transactions and always be in charge of your financial situation, so you won't overspend or get charged penalty on your accounts. It is 100 times less complicated than professional budget tools such as Quicken and Microsoft Money. This is a great substitute if you are looking for something simple but yet powerful.
Complete money management solution for anyone who wishes to better understand where their money comes from and where it goes.