
BitClamp, the encryption software for Mac OS X.

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BitClamp, the encryption software for Mac OS X. Easily secure confidential documents and personal files with trusted 448-bit Blowfish, AES 256-bit and 256-bit Serpent encryption.

Simply drag and drop the required files to encrypt your documents with industry-standard encryption methods for remarkable security.
BitClamp is the only brand of encryption software offering file mimicking - a feature used to hide encrypted data within other files for optimal security. In addition, smart Covert features can further disguise your files by giving them unrelated names. All of this and more makes BitClamp a trusted, easy-to-use and affordable encryption utility for Mac OS X. Download the free 15-day trial today to secure your files.
- Super fast encryption and decryption.
- Gives users a choice between 3 industry standard algorithms:
- AES - 256 Bit
- Serpent - 256 Bit
- Blowfish - 448 Bit
- Covert files allow users to cloak their files with unobvious names.
- Optional GZip compression allows users to trade between encryption speed and disk space.
- Free decryptor program allows anyone to decrypt files that you send them. With the password of course.
- Growl notifications.
- Updates via Sparkle

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