Axure RP Pro

Axure RP gives you the wireframing, prototyping and specification tools


Axure RP gives you the wireframing, prototyping and specification tools needed to make informed design choices, persuade any skeptics, get your design built to spec... and maybe win a few fans along the way.

Quickly create wireframes that evolve from sketch to ready-for-dev designs. Experience and present prototypes that go beyond basic links. Annotate your wireframes and automatically generate Word specifications. Quickly create beautiful wireframes with boxes, placeholders, shapes, and text. When you're ready for more visual polish, add color, gradients, and semi-transparent fills, import images, use grids and guides for precise placement, or the many other tools designed to help you work at the right fidelity for your project. Now you can change the sketchiness, switch to grayscale, and choose a handwriting font for your design instantly and at any stage of your project. Clients may love it just for the look, but you'll love it when the sketchiness helps to set the right expectations and get feedback focused on the functionality, content, or interactions.

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