
Axel is an algebraic geometric modeler developed in the research team Galaad.

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Axel is an algebraic geometric modeler developed in the research team Galaad, which aim is to provide “algebraic modeling” tools for the manipulation and computation with implicit and parametric curves, surfaces and volumes.

It is embedding dedicated packages from Mathemagix which provides algebraic capabilities for geometric modeling.

Main Features:
- Topology : compute the certified topology of curves and surfaces with either implicit or parametric representation
- Intersections : compute the intersection of implicit or parametric curves or surfaces
- Self-intersections : compute the self-intersections of parametric surfaces whatever their parameterization
- Singularities : compute the singularities of algebraic surfaces
- Differential modeling : derivative curves, graphed surfaces
- Set theoretic modeling : boolean operations, arrangements

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Galaad INRIA
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