Age of Tribes

Guide your clan home safely from various historical eras.


Age of Tribes lets you have some fun by pretending you are the leader of a clan. The goal of the game is to advance through levels that go from the Neolithic period to the Middle Ages.

Your role as a leader is to safely guide at least a given number of members of your clan so that they can survive the perils and traps found in each level.

The game is quite asymmetric in terms of the starting conditions. For instance, there are influence cards, of which you pick one at the beginning. Depending on your card, you can choose the tribe that best matches your card. In this respect, there are ten tribes, each with different advantages and limitations. Moreover, there is a secret task hidden in each card, which you will have to fulfill in due time.

Age of Tribes is quite challenging, as you need to make quick decisions as well as plan your steps in advance. While your followers explore and collect items, you should guide them by drawing a path. However, the paths do not last long, so you have to do everything with perfect timing to ensure they get to the end of the level safely.

Luckily, the game has nice and varied graphics and sounds. In this regard, there are eight graphic themes and soundtracks corresponding to the different eras. Likewise, there are two beginner levels with the purpose of letting you get acquainted with the basics of the game. From then on, every level in each era gets consistently more challenging than the previous one.

All in all, I like the concept of this game. However, it is a shame that it still has some bugs. For example, it seems to require a lot of CPU power, which means it should be a little more efficient in terms of hardware use. Likewise, it may hang between levels and the controls may produce unexpected effects. Unfortunately, there is no trial version that I know of. Still, its 99-cent tag makes it quite affordable.


  • Various graphical themes and soundtracks
  • Interesting concept
  • Challenging game


  • May still have bugs
  • Requires too much of your hardware resources
Axel Friedrich
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