Mac users interested in Vocalign pro for mac osx generally download:
VocALign PRO (V4)works with Pro Tools, Logic 8/9, Cubase and Nuendo.
VocALign Project for the Digidesign Pro Tools system processes audio with sample rates up to 192 kHz.
VocALign is a process that lets audio editors make the timing of one audio signal match another automatically.VocALign works by applying varying amounts of time stretching or compression to one signal (called the "dub") to make its energy peaks and troughs align in time with a “guide” signal
VocALign Project is an affordable audio alignment for music and post-production. It supports Pro Tools, Logic 8 and 9, Cubase and Nuendo. This edition uses iLok - when you purchase VocALign Project 3 you can use both the Audio Unit and Audio suite plug-in versions of VocALign.