Mac users interested in Qr codes software for mac lion generally download:
Automatically scan barcodes and process them on your Mac. Generate digital combinations and send them to barcode printers. Interpret different coding systems and check the codes in formats like Quick Code, QR Code, Data Matrix, etc. The utility supports auto updates.
*** NOTE TO SNOW LEOPARD USERS *** iSight Scanning is a Lion Only feature. You can still scan QR codes in Snow Leopard but you will have to use images that you can drag into QR Codes to scan. Create and Scan QR codes for any need quickly and...
Softmatic QR Perfect is an application that allows you to make your own QR codes. With this program you can encode VCards, URLs, calendar events, or plain data. You may choose from five different dot styles, enhance your codes with drop shadows or embedded company logos. A built-in QR reader verifies the created QR codes in real-time.
Additional suggestions for Qr codes software for mac lion by our robot:
Showing results for "qr codes lion" as the words for mac, software are considered too common
Make your own QR codes with Softmatic QRPlus.
your own QR codes with Softmatic...All codes are updated...OS X 10.7.3 "Lion" or higher
QR Journal allows you to scan and store any QR code.
read QR codes. Found a QR code...containing a QR code; in scanning QR codes
What is QR Code? The Quick Response code, or more commonly known as QR code...
the QR Code like: - QR Code Size Adjustment - QR Code
Create beautifully designed QR codes with a QR custom code generator.
beautifully designed QR codes...your QR code unique...a customized QR code
Lets you generate QR code instantly and effortlessly.
create QR-Codes. Features: – Live creation QR-Codes...your own QR codes. Regrettably
Make beautiful customized QR codes easily within few clicks.
of squared QR codes...Print QR code change...later (Dynamic QR code generator) PDF
Instantly generate QR barcodes for any information that you desire.
A QR code (abbreviated from Quick Response code) QR (Quick Response) codes
Contacts to QR codes allows you to create QR codes for business cards.
QR codes allows you to create QR codes...Customize QR codes with colors...of QR codes
Forget boring black and white QR codes. Create stunning and professional codes with QR Factory.
QR codes. Create stunning and professional codes...types of QR Codes: - Plain Text
People love QR-Codes. There are so much ways you can use them.
People love QR-Codes...card? Generated QR-Codes can...Files. QR-Generator works
Professional QR code creator that saves codes as PNG, TIFF, PDF or EPS.
Professional QR code creator ...unlimited professional QR codes
A quick and effective solution to create QR-Codes.
QR-Codes. The creation of QR-Codes...The generated QR-Codes can...the generated QR-Code
A QR code (short for Quick Response) is a specific matrix barcode (or two-dimensional code)...
in QR Codes * Create contact QR Codes...create custom QR Code * Resulting QR Code can
Transfer texts from Mac to iPhone/iPad using QR codes.
iPad using QR create a QR code from a selected...sequence of QR codes
QR Crafter is a simple and easy-to-use QR code generator.
e-mail your QR codes. QR Crafter...customizable QR code colors and QR code correction