Presto pagemanager 7 mavericks social advice

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Improve the productivity in your organization with Presto! PageManager 9 SE.
Presto! PageManager is Ease-of-use, Front-end, Page Processing software. It now has faster thumbnail previews, a wider range of file formats, and the ability to stack variously formatted documents. The design concept incorporates “Capture”, “Manage”, and “Share & Deliver” solutions.

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— Presto PageManager doesn't open when I want. I have a Mac OS X 10.6. Can you help?
In order to fix this issue, I suggest you update the application manually. Go to the official web page, select your PageManager version and download and install the Mac files. If the problem is not solved, uninstall the application completely and reinstall it.

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Create, share, scan, and modify documents.

organization with Presto! PageManager 9 SE. Presto! PageManager 9 

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