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Perfect Pitch is a tuner application. This utility is simple enough for the casual instrumentalist to use, but at the same time, it contains advanced features for tuning based on harmonic series, quarter tones, and any other even division of the octave.
The world's best-selling ear training software for Windows and Mac, developed together with 29 music teachers, and available in 23 languages. Covering pitch and rhythm training, music theory and solfege, EarMaster is a complete and powerful ear...
Practice music training and learn the differences between tones, notes, and composition elements, learn to maintain and shift pitch and rhythm by listening to practice samples and developing aural skills with the digital suite containing a set of exercises available in 23 languages.
EarMaster includes two advanced Tutors that will guide you and increase the level of complexity as you improve your ear. You can customize EarMaster more than any other ear training tool! There are a lot of settings for the user interface and for the way you use EarMaster. While you work with a lesson you can change clefs, time limits, input methods, tempo, sounds, etc.
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Learn absolute and relative pitch.
absolute pitch ("perfect pitch") and relative pitch...research into pitch and perceptual
Auralia helps improve your playing by improving your ears!
ear training...age and training...perfect pitch
Speed Upp is a programmable metronome for training speed and precision.
metronome for training speed...and lower pitch clicks
Music Cubes is an educational game that plays a lot like Simon.
It is a new type of ear training program for Mac and PC.
of ear-training program...train yours ears to recognize pitches
Software that is designed specifically to help users develop the skill of Absolute Pitch, also know as Perfect Pitch....
Absolute Pitch or Perfect Pitch ...Absolute Pitch...Absolute Pitch
Solfege Singing Trainer will help you develop Relative Pitch, Absolute Pitch, Sight Reading, and Sight Singing skills like no other method out there....
Relative Pitch, Absolute Pitch, Sight...the right pitch...that will train essential music
Makes changes in the key and tempo of a song for practice purposes.
change or pitch shift function
Train to sing on key. It listens while you sing and displays the pitch of your voice on a graph, in real time....
helps you train to sing...Only! The pitch detection algorithm...detail the pitch
Capella melody trainer is a music production software for Mac.
Feedback about pitch course
Music-practicing application that lets you manipulate audio passages to help you learn them more efficiently....
the Pitch of a Song: Pitch...changing the pitch...course all pitch and tempo
Special App Launch Price - Just $19.99 (Regular Price - $49.50 - Save 60%).
a bit of training you'll...tempo and pitch of loops
Distorts voices both directly from the microphone or a recording.
a tweaking pitch, strength