Mac users interested in Parallels installer for os x 10.5.8 generally download:
Run programs that are not available for Mac by launching Windows virtual machines. Select between three different modes: Full Screen, Coherence and Modality. Adjust the settings for productivity, game, design, or development activities. Save the running virtual machine state and burn CD or DVD discs from the...
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Family of powerful x86 virtualization products for enterprise as well as home use.
8, Windows 10), DOS/Windows...OpenSolaris, OS/2 Parallels
This version includes support for up to 5 Macs/PCs and 5 iOS devices for one year.
you by Parallels. by Parallels. This special...Mac OS X
WinTel is an easy-to-use, stand-alone application that allows host operating systems (and applications) such as Microsoft Windows(R) and Ubuntu Linux....
Mac OS X...and Parallels Inc.'s Parallels...includes installation support