Mac users interested in Mp3 tag lookup app generally download:
Jaikoz can help you organize your music collection by updating, fixing or downloading song tags. In this respect, it is great that it can retrieve the necessary information from MusicBrainz and Discogs, two huge online music databases. Likewise, the tool fortunately supports tagging a list that includes practically every taggable music format.
.ogg is a free audio format alternative. It features sound quality that is generally higher than MP3, and has no licensing fees. Ogg Drop will encode audio tracks and CD's into .oggs. Ogg Drop is entirely free.
Ogg Drop includes a CDDB lookup of the FreeDB music database. Stick an audio CD into Ogg Drop, and it should be able to identify the songs automatically, and tag the songs for you.
Process multiple files in the application supporting the modification of metadata extracted from selected audio files. Batch modification or assignment of previously absent tags and names is possible. The program is compatible with such formats as MP3, M4A, AIFF, WAV, FLAC, APE, OGG, WMA, etc.
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