Mac users interested in Global mapper generally download:
Work with a set of mapping instruments for different projects. Switch between existing materials and creation options. Select one of the available templates and generate a new Magic Maps document according to personal specifications. Edit the legend at will.
MCMap Live is a Minecraft mapper, like Cartograph for Mac OS X. It is a wrapper for mcmap, Zahl's fantastic and fast isometric Minecraft map renderer. What makes MCMap Live special is that it renders maps in pieces and lets you view them right away in an intuitive, minimalist interface. You can scroll and zoom all around your world and as quick as mcmap can render the chunks, you will see them
GPX Viewer views GPX files exported from many GPS devices and other apps such as our Road Trip Planner. Features View the waypoints, routes, and tracks Send the waypoint(s) to Apple Maps View the name, desc, comment, latitude, longitude and more for each waypoint Copy waypoint info to the clipboard Show weather and street view (when available) for each waypoint Open multiple windows to view multiple files
Notes: You cannot edit the files; you can only view their contents.
Additional suggestions for Global mapper by our robot:
Minimalist modular audio processing application.
Value • Gain • Mapper Curve • Piecewise...signal mixer • Global Time •
Joystick Mapper is an application that allows you to configure your joysticks.
Joystick Mapper
Draw quality diagrams with user-friendly graphic editing tools.
casual data mappers and beginning
Function Keys Mapper will quickly launch any application, open any file or any folder with the F1 to F19 function keys of your keyboard....
Function Keys Mapper will quickly
Nestopia is the current king of the NES emulation hill.
201 different mappers. Famicom Disk
Port Mapper is an app that allows you to do port forwarding automagically.
Port Mapper will automatically
Use Channel Mapper to create a new image from the red, green, blue, alpha, grayscale channels of a source image....
Use Channel Mapper to create
Make orienteering maps and organize orienteering events.
OpenOrienteering Mapper helps
Preview 3D projected image in real time while editing a net of screen.
CueluxPro is an advanced and scalable lighting control application.
with pixel mapper to control...The pixel mapper contains algorithms
Makes working with NoSQL Databases simple and fun.
a "Polyglot Object Mapper" with a JPA