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Work with a time-tracking toolset for Mac devices. Integrate the module with the status bar and add markings for special occasions, deadlines, and other important days with options to remind users with customizable periods. Track different tasks and process completion.
Countdown Timer Plus is a simple application that keeps you informed about the remaining time on registered tasks. Using thins tool, the chances to miss important events are highly reduced – the brightly-colored stickers that appear on your desktop are meant to remind you about the time left until the task is outdated.
Additional suggestions for Day countdown mac menu bar by our robot:
Showing results for "day countdown menu bar" as the word mac is considered too common
It is a menu bar app that helps you countdown the time.
Big Day that helps you countdown...your menu bar
Allows setting reminders by simply dragging and dropping its icon.
day. Simply drag the Gestimer...Show a a countdown next
Displays in the menu bar the days to and from important events.
day counting menu bar app for macOS bar application that counts
Count down the time and manage multiple alarms for your daily activities.
the...the time, day, melody a the menu bar
Over 100,000 Downloads -- #1 Timer App Howler is an easy to use kitchen/laundry/coffee/anything timer with several useful features......
features ...using this countdown approach ...your alarm (day, month
This program is a simple to handle timer tool for Mac.
time of day, control...projects. The countdown...on your Menu Bar. However
Boosts your productivity by keeping you focused on your work.
home these days? Pomosh...pause the with a menu bar representation
Manage your time more effectively by scheduling work sessions.
sessions per day - Browsing...Simple countdown...from the Menu Bar
It is a simple app that works both as an alarm clock and as a countdown timer.
the upper...alarms and countdowns, which a specific
Optimize your time by splitting your tasks into work and break sessions. shows a countdown timer, which...intervals in a day. Luckily
Notifi adds 8 useful notifications to Mountain Lion's Notification system.
text. Countdown can optionally...notification every day at a
This app helps you remember when it's time for a break from work.
per...a simple Menu Bar app...keep the your Menu Bar
Time tracking application designed to help you organizing and tracking daily tasks and visualize activities on charts in real time....
during a day and compare...individually. Countdown timer the menu bar for controlling
Focus on the activities you need to accomplish during the day.
your productive day by writing...throughout the your menu bar with a countdown