Mac users interested in Card file app generally download:
CAD File Converter is the key that gives you access to drawings in the most common CAD formats, by making them compatible with your own graphic programmes visualising them and printing in PDF format.
It can import drawings in DWG, DXF and DXB from version 12 to the most recent 2011 version, as well as drawings and maps in every kind of DWF format, compressed and uncompressed.
This program provides you with an alternative to hiring a graphic designer or a firm to create and print professional-looking business cards. You can use this application to design name badges for your employees, CD covers for the discs containing the company's product, personal business cards, and much more.
Business Card Composer is a complete solution for creating and printing excellent business cards, calling cards and badges.
If you also want to create and print either flyers, catalogs, CD/DVD art, address or shipping labels, Business Card Composer is also available in Printfolio suite.
Blackjack Card Counter is the easiest way to learn card counting on the Mac it will take you from beginner to pro in no time at all. With it easy to use features and in depth manuals on how card counting works you can practice at home before you are ready to try with real money. Don't consider it a game, consider it an investment.
CAD File Converter is the key that gives you access to drawings in the most common CAD formats, by making them compatible with your own graphic programmes - even if not the latest versions - visualising them and printing in PDF format. It can import drawings in DWG, DXF and DXB from version 12 to the most recent 2011 version, as well as drawings and maps in every kind of DWF format, compressed and uncompressed.
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All 61 resultsShowing results for "card" as the words file, app are considered too common
Specifically intended to format SD, SDHC and SDXC memory cards.
Memory Card, SDHC Memory Card...Card (respectively SD/SDHC/SDXC Cards...SDHC/SDXC Cards
Set of 22 different solitaire card games.
different solitaire card games...backgrounds and card decks
gfxCardStatus tells you which graphics card you are using.
which graphics card
tool to create Professional business cards.
Business Card is a business cards designer...manufacturers - Custom card formats support
Create, export, print, and share quality business cards.
create business cards including...your card. Step 3: Print cards...of business card templates
Free menu bar application that keeps track of which graphics card your MacBook Pro is using at any given time....
which graphics card your MacBook
This app helps you create birthday cards, calendars, invitations, etc.
stationery, invitations, e-cards and scrapbook...print personalized cards, calendars
Flash operating system images onto external storage devices.
to SD cards &...on corrupted cards...flashing SD SD card flasher app
If you have an Apple PC Compatibility Card and Mac OS 8.5, you've probably noticed that the PC Network Extension will not load....
PC Compatibility Card and Mac...PC Compatibility card. PC Card
SD Card Recovery is a file recovery application for the Mac.
Card Recovery is a popular SD Card...Digital Card. All SD Card types...SD memory card
This app lets you play various Solitaire games on your Mac PC.
work. Card Shark...type of card game the card games...from various card game
Transform devices into a Raspberry Pi NOOBS disk with minimal effort.
restore SD card
This application allows you to play Klondike game on your Mac.
multiple card decks and card backs..."Spinning Card Animation"...Frames Around Cards" options
Home Business Card allows you to create and print business cards.
mac business card...printing business cards using...made business card templates
This Mac program helps you keep track of time cards with ease.
Hill Time Card is a program...using Time Card...projects' time cards, check which