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Installed 7 years ago
Mendeley Desktop
Mendeley Desktop - Research management tool for desktop & web.
AppShelf - It helps you store software license keys in one place.
Table Tool
Table Tool - Accesses the data in CSV files properly, regardless of the specifications used.
View all 4 programs
Removed 7 years ago
Table Tool
Table Tool - Accesses the data in CSV files properly, regardless of the specifications used.
TrashMe - IMPORTANT Before posting review saying TrashMe can't uninstall main app...
XTabulator - XTabulator is a tabular data file editor for Mac OS X.
View all 4 programs
Installed 7 years ago
Trash It!
Trash It! - Get rid of those files you cannot delete by other means.
Removed 7 years ago
ShareFile Desktop Widget
ShareFile Desktop Widget - An efficient way to upload, download, and delete files from your account.
Trash It!
Trash It! - Get rid of those files you cannot delete by other means.
Installed 7 years ago
AnyBizSoft PDF to Word
AnyBizSoft PDF to Word - AnyBizSoft PDF to Word lets you convert your PDF files to .DOC files.
Removed 7 years ago
AnyBizSoft PDF to Word
AnyBizSoft PDF to Word - AnyBizSoft PDF to Word lets you convert your PDF files to .DOC files.
Installed 7 years ago
AppCleaner - This program helps you remove unnecessary apps from your Mac.
Removed 7 years ago
AppCleaner - This program helps you remove unnecessary apps from your Mac.
Installed 7 years ago
Plaster - This app helps you change the icons of your folders.
Removed 7 years ago
Plaster - This app helps you change the icons of your folders.
Installed 7 years ago
Doxie - Introducing Doxie, the new, modern paper scanner that's so simple...
Removed 7 years ago
Doxie - Introducing Doxie, the new, modern paper scanner that's so simple...
Adobe Digital Editions
Adobe Digital Editions - Engaging new way to read and manage eBooks and other digital publications.
Installed 7 years ago
Adobe Digital Editions
Adobe Digital Editions - Engaging new way to read and manage eBooks and other digital publications.
Removed 7 years ago
Adobe Digital Editions
Adobe Digital Editions - Engaging new way to read and manage eBooks and other digital publications.
Installed 7 years ago
Removed 7 years ago
Installed 7 years ago
3DGallery - This program helps you create Flash photo galleries.
Removed 7 years ago
3DGallery - This program helps you create Flash photo galleries.
Installed 7 years ago
LiteIcon - Change quickly any icons of your system.
Removed 7 years ago
LiteIcon - Change quickly any icons of your system.
Installed 7 years ago
Dropbox - Automatically back up your data to your Dropbox account.
Removed 7 years ago
Dropbox - Automatically back up your data to your Dropbox account.
Final Cut Pro
Final Cut Pro - A suite of powerful tools for video and audio editing,
FontExplorer X Pro
FontExplorer X Pro - FontExplorer X Pro is a font manager designed for Mac.
View all 6 programs
Installed 7 years ago
CompendiumLD - CompendiumLD is a software tool for designing learning activities.
BBC Store Downloader
BBC Store Downloader - BBC Store Downloader helps you to download your favorite shows.
View all 10 programs