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Removed 7 years ago
Pagico - Keep track of your daily assignments, notes, and important files from one place.
CudaText - CudaText is a cross-platform text editor, written in Lazarus.
Xcode - Xcode is the complete toolset for building Mac OS X and iOS applications.
View all 5 programs
Installed 7 years ago
Upload Manager
Upload Manager - The easiest way for Professional Photographers to display and sell images online
TunnelBear - Browse the web anonymously and block website trackers.
Google Chrome
Google Chrome - Explore the web using Google's super-fast browser.
View all 4 programs
Removed 7 years ago
Chromium - A fast, reliable and accurate open-source web browser.
Google Chrome
Google Chrome - Explore the web using Google's super-fast browser.
TunnelBear - Browse the web anonymously and block website trackers.
Installed 7 years ago
Corel Painter 2017
Corel Painter 2017 - Painter 2017 is a professional digital art and drawing software for Mac OS.
Pagico - Keep track of your daily assignments, notes, and important files from one place.
Syncovery - Synchronize and bac kup your data to prevent possible losses.
View all 15 programs
Removed 7 years ago
MediaInfo - MediaInfo is a system utility that lets you analyse your audio and video files.
Panoply - Panoply plots geo-gridded arrays of latitude-longitude, latitude-vertical, or time-latitude data encoded in netCDF, HDF, and GRIB format.
Viber - Send messages, exchange files, and make voice and video calls.
View all 9 programs
Installed 7 years ago
Focus: Add Depth and Tilt-Shift to Your Photos
Focus: Add Depth and Tilt-Shift to Your Photos - Know your frontmost application with this application for free.
Dropbox - Automatically back up your data to your Dropbox account.
Removed 7 years ago
Dropbox - Automatically back up your data to your Dropbox account.
Focus: Add Depth and Tilt-Shift to Your Photos
Focus: Add Depth and Tilt-Shift to Your Photos - Know your frontmost application with this application for free.
MacKeeper - The all new MacKeeper service: now with Human Inside
View all 4 programs
Installed 7 years ago
DJMixerExpress - Simply start the DJ software and mix your favorite songs!
Maxel - Maxel speeds up your downloads by splitting each file into parts and downloading them simultaneously, maximizing your bandwidth.
View all 7 programs
Removed 7 years ago
Garmin Express
Garmin Express - Your essential tool for managing your Garmin devices.