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Installed 7 years ago
Mac App Blocker
Mac App Blocker - Prevent unauthorized users from using certain tools from your Mac.
Status Barred
Status Barred - It helps you remove the status bar from your iOS screenshots.
Typinator - Improve your typing speed and auto-correct typing errors.
View all 8 programs
Removed 7 years ago
Jiggler - This program helps you prevent your Mac from going to sleep mode.
BoxCryptor - Offers an extra security layer to the data stored on the cloud.
Installed 7 years ago
PhotoScape X
PhotoScape X - Enhance your pictures with minimum effort and without quality loss.
Jiggler - This program helps you prevent your Mac from going to sleep mode.
View all 15 programs
Removed 7 years ago
Word Writer 1
Word Writer 1 - Word Writer is a word processor that can make the writing perfect.
Soundnode - Soundnode App is an Open-Source project to support Soundcloud for desktop Mac.
Shotcut - Transform your homemade videos into stunning works of art.
View all 13 programs
Installed 7 years ago
ZipSplitMaker - ZipSplitMaker allows you to create and segment Zip archives.
Word Writer 1
Word Writer 1 - Word Writer is a word processor that can make the writing perfect.
VideoConverter - Procontool
VideoConverter - Procontool - VideoConverter - Procontool is a free-to-use video converter.
View all 11 programs