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Installed 6 years ago
kodi - Play your favorite movies and music, preview images, etc.
Removed 6 years ago
qbittorrent - A lightweight bittorrent client with integrated searcher.
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Installed 6 years ago
AntiSleep - AntiSleep is a simple free utility for blocking the sleep mode.
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Removed 6 years ago
WinZip - WinZip combines cutting-edge compression and strong AES encryption into a simple, Mac-friendly design.
Terminal - OS X is built on an industry-standard UNIX foundation.
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Installed 6 years ago
Reminders - Organise your life on your Mac. Make as many to-do lists as you need and easily add to them.
Final Cut Pro
Final Cut Pro - A suite of powerful tools for video and audio editing,
Calculator - The Calculator application allows you to perform simple arithmetic calculations, complex logarithmic calculations and logical operations.
View all 4 programs