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Installed 9 years ago
Mendeley Desktop
Mendeley Desktop - Research management tool for desktop & web.
Removed 9 years ago
Mendeley Desktop
Mendeley Desktop - Research management tool for desktop & web.
docXConverter - This app lets you convert DOCX files to other formats.
View all 4 programs
Installed 9 years ago
Bluetooth File Exchange
Bluetooth File Exchange - Makes it easy to share files between your Mac and Bluetooth-enabled devices.
SheepShaver - Sheepshaver is an emulator for Mac OS 7.5.3 through 9.0.4.
View all 32 programs
Removed 9 years ago
EtreCheck - Find the reason why your computer isn't working properly.
Carbon Copy Cloner
Carbon Copy Cloner - Carbon Copy Cloner backups are better than ordinary backups.
View all 9 programs