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Installed 2 years ago
Microsoft Edge
Microsoft Edge - Browse the web and enjoy more privacy, more productivity and more speed.
Removed 2 years ago
Microsoft Edge
Microsoft Edge - Browse the web and enjoy more privacy, more productivity and more speed.
Logic Pro X
Logic Pro X - Most advanced version of Logic ever.
Installed 2 years ago
Google Chrome
Google Chrome - Explore the web using Google's super-fast browser.
Removed 2 years ago
Google Chrome
Google Chrome - Explore the web using Google's super-fast browser.
Installed 2 years ago
EdgeView - EdgeView is a cutting-edge image viewer for MacOS.
Removed 2 years ago
EdgeView - EdgeView is a cutting-edge image viewer for MacOS.
EdgeView 2
EdgeView 2 - Find images with ease so you can preview them quickly in the viewer window.
Installed 2 years ago
EdgeView - EdgeView is a cutting-edge image viewer for MacOS.
PiPifier - PiPifier is a Safari extension that lets you use HTML5 video in Picture mode.
Removed 2 years ago
Installed 2 years ago
Notion Web Clipper
Notion Web Clipper - Save any page on the web to your Notion workspace to read or use later.
MarginNote 3
MarginNote 3 - Study and digest your books with a smart e-reader app.
TickTick - Your daily must-have to-do & task list to get all things done.
View all 5 programs