
Treble Clefs

Piano Chords Compass
Max Schlee
Find the perfect chord voicing for your songs on the piano!
own songbooks; - Supported treble clef and bass clef
Notes Finder
Max Schlee
Find the notes on any string instrument and in any notation!
(do, re, mi). 4. Treble clef and bass clef modes including
Solfege Singing Trainer
Aktiv Systems
Solfege Singing Trainer will help you develop Relative Pitch, Absolute Pitch, Sight Reading...
scale order, bass or treble clef, playback instrument
All Chords
Albert Winkler
A detailed representation of simple and complex chords and arpeggios...
• Classical notation in the treble clef
 • Simplified representation of 20
Blue Cat's Widening Liny EQ
rating Blue Cat Audio
Based on Blue Cat's Liny EQ technology, it is a 9 bands linear phase Mid/Side...
can choose to enhance treble
rating TriTone Digital
ClassicTone-PEV is modeled after a unique vintage EQ.
PEV featured bass and treble
ValveTone '62
rating TriTone Digital
It is a super-thick classic EQ!
Deceptively simple BASS and TREBLE controls provide
Spring Reverb
rating Softube AB
Spring Reverb is an authentic spring...
simulation with Bass and Treble in the reverb section
rating Dowdy Software
It's easy to use, fast, and aqua cool...
not remembering bass and treble settings when opening
Ultimate Darts Scorer
rating BowSoft
Is your dart board near your PC or can you bring your laptop to your dartboard. Bowsoft's Ultimate Darts Scorer 2...
the dartboard, for example treble twenty, a T20 will appear