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Timbre Transposition

free rating
Jói Fr.
This application gives you more control over your old MicroKorg than the buttons on it provided...
This application gives you more control over your old MicroKorg than the buttons on it provided
Sketch Synth FX
Shape of Sound
Sketch Synth FX is a Pad based system for layering sound effects onto samples or short recordings...
each with their unique timbre
rating D16 Group Audio Software
Syntorus has a unique...
getting that vintage chorus timbre can be a challenge
Element P
rating LinPlug Virtual Instruments
- specialized precussion synthesizer - unique sound - 24-voice polyphonic...
four envelopes for pitch, timbre, noise and volume
Minky Starshine
rating Expert Sleepers
Minky Starshine is at heart an additive synthesiser, augmented with possibilities...
an infinite range of timbres in between...partials (and therefore the timbre
Eighty Eight Ensemble
rating Sonivox
Our flagship piano instrument is not just any piano. Eighty Eight Ensemble 2 is an exceptional...
band EQ allows the timbre