
Search from Safari

Microsoft Bing for Safari
free rating
Microsoft Bing Search Extension is a great way to enrich your search experience on Safari. Install this extension...
enrich your search experience on Safari...the latest trending searches and suggestions
Keyword Search
free rating
ArneArts Hyperactive
Keyword Search is a simple extension for Safari on macOS and iOS that enables keyword searching...
Keyword Search is a simple extension for Safari on macOS
Safari Cookies
free rating
Russell Gray
This program is a simple yet helpful cookie manager for Safari. The application can easily be installed on your Mac...
cookie manager for Safari. The application can...use the integrated search tool to find cookies
ImageFinder for Safari
free rating
Rohit Batra
ImageFinder for Safari lets you easily reverse image search in Safari. The application allows you to enable reverse image...
ImageFinder for Safari lets you easily reverse image search in Safari
Qwant for Safari
free rating
Qwant SAS
Qwant for Safari lets you search in private mode. It is a search engine that respects the privacy of its users...
as the default search engine in Safari. Because your personal
uBlacklist for Safari
free rating
uBlacklist for Safari is a search engine filter that can help you improve the quality...
uBlacklist for Safari is a search engine...from appearing in the search engine results
Smart Keyword Search
free rating
Claude ICT
Smart Keyword Search is a Safari extension, that fixes one of the "missing features"...
Smart Keyword Search is a Safari extension ...without a clear name). Safari used to have a plugin
Safari Keyword Search
free rating
Arne Martin Aurlien
This is a simple extension for Safari 5.1 and above to enable keyword...
for Safari 5.1 and above to enable keyword search...keyword expansions without search strings
free rating
SafariKeywords tells Safari where to search for the words you entered into the search bar...
lets you tell Safari where to search...in the preference pane, Safari uses that shortcut's
StartPage HTTPS Search for Safari
free rating
Surfboard Holding
StartPage HTTPS Search for Safari gives you convenient mobile access to StartPage.com, one of the world's most private...
StartPage HTTPS Search for Safari gives...plus great search results. Other search engines record
Safari Omnikey
free rating
Mario Estrada
Chrome-like keyword search for Safari browser...
Chrome-like keyword search for Safari browser. Search Amazon, Wikipedia
Safari PDF Grabber
free rating
Martin Michel
Safari PDF Grabber is a script that helps users to download PDF...
PDF files. The Safari PDF Grabber...to manually search and click the links. Safari PDF
Safari Omnibar Unstaller
free rating
Olivier Poitrey
Safari Omnibar Unstaller...
Safari Omnibar Unstaller - Integrates location bar and search...bar with search bar - Search directly
Xippee Safari Plug-in
free rating Bunn Technologies
Xippee Safari Plug-in works on all of your favorite search engines (Google, Yahoo, MSN)...
Firefox, Safari, and Opera. Quickly focus your search by simply
Ixquick HTTPS Search for Safari
free rating Surfboard Holding
Ixquick protects your privacy. Ixquick does NOT collect or share any personal information. Nada. Zilch...
search results. When you search with Ixquick search engine, you are searching