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Ruby Runtimes

Ruby Mine
rating JetBrains
OpenLink ODBC Driver for PrestoDB
rating OpenLink Software
OpenLink ODBC Driver for PrestoDB facilitates database connectivity for developers programming in scripting languages...
(using mxODBC or PyODBC), Ruby, SoftIntegration's Ch language, Microsoft
JumpBox for Ruby on Rails Deployment
free rating JumpBox
Ruby on Rails is a framework that allows a web developer to rapidly design web applications which are capable...
minimal effort. Written in Ruby, Rails prefers convention...The JumpBox for Ruby
AWS SDK for Ruby
rating Amazon Web Services LLC
free rating Solido Systems
Objectkitchen is small object oriented database written in Java...
libraries for other languages (Ruby, Java) is currently being
Mobile Interaction Suite Professional Edition
rating Extransit
Mobile Interaction Suite uses a unique mobile client/server-based technology to provide multi...
Version 1.5 has support for ruby scripting. What's...Version 1.5 has support for ruby scripting
BitNami Cloud Tools Stack
free rating BitNami
Here are some key features of the BitNami Stacks Native Installers: Easy to Install...
1.3.15 Updated aws-sdk-ruby 1.6.0-0
WebDNA Developer Edition
free rating WebDNA Software Corporation
WebDNA allows the developer to build a wide range of applications, from basic form-to-email to highly sophisticated...
is not a framework like Ruby on Rails, WebDNA replaces
free rating Mackup
- Backups your application settings in Dropbox - Syncs your application settings among all your workstations...
Pow - PyPI - Quicksilver - Rails - Ruby Version - Ruby - RubyMine 4 - S3cmd - Screen
VizSync Address Book
rating VizMotion Incorporated
VizSync for Address Book allows multi-user synchronization between the native Palm Address Book application...
for syncing with FileMaker runtimes (view FAQ for instructions
Defender of Mars
free rating ARCANEA.NET
Defender of Mars is small real-time strategy game written in ruby with help of SDL and SGE...
strategy game written in ruby with help