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QLab Workspace

Workspace Manager
rating Teacup Software
The Workspace Manager automatically creates, saves and invokes palette workspaces...
invokes palette workspaces without requiring...Indesign. The Workspace Manager automatically
Palette Manager
rating Teacup Software
The Palette Manager allows users to lock palettes to document windows or page items...
palette-oriented product, the Workspace Manager
Photoshop SVG Exporter
rating Layerhero Software
Photoshop SVG Exporter is a Photoshop Plugin / Extension which enables designers export their design as SVG...
quietly in your Photoshop workspace. Both dark & light
AV for Photoshop CS6 205
rating ASK Video
Learn how to make your best photos even better in this 54-tutorial course on Photo Retouching...
Preferences 6. Customizing the Photography Workspace 7. Creating Custom Keyboard Shortcuts
Avidion Real3D (MAC)
rating Avidion Media
Features of Avidion Real3D - Twist, bend, and shatter your layers within your After Effects 3D space...
to your After Effects workspace including camera position, lighting
PST Converter for Mac
rating MacMister Solutions
MacMister PST Converter for Mac is a smart utility to convert Outlook emails, contacts, calendars, tasks etc. to PDF...
MacMister PST Converter for Mac is a complete solution provider that helps users to import
rating com.enterpriseopen