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Multiband Gate

rating Melda Production
MMultiBandWaveShaper is a powerful multiband wave-shaping plug-in that literally lets you draw your own signal graph...
MMultiBandWaveShaper is a powerful multiband wave-shaping plug-in
rating Melda Production
MMultiBandVibrato is a powerful multiband vibrato with our adjustable shape feature. This vibrato provides...
MMultiBandVibrato is a powerful multiband vibrato with our adjustable
rating Melda Production
MMultiBandTremolo is a powerful multiband tremolo with an adjustable shape. This effect, naturally...
MMultiBandTremolo is a powerful multiband tremolo with an adjustable
rating Melda Production
MMultiBandRingModulatoMMultiBandRingModulato is a powerful multiband ring...
MMultiBandRingModulator is a powerful multiband ring-modulation effect which
rating Melda Production
MMultiBandPhaser is a powerful multiband phaser which allows you to deftly manipulate...
is a powerful multiband phaser which...pristine audio quality and multiband core make
rating Melda Production
MMultiBandFlanger is a powerful multiband flanger that allows you to fully adjust its shape...
MMultiBandFlanger is a powerful multiband flanger
rating Sinevibes
Gateboy is an advanced rhythmic modulator plug-in.
to drastic, including complex gate patterns, intricate rhythmic sequences
free rating Florian Erdle
A sequencer driven saturation/gate...
a sequencer driven saturation/gate effect. the sequencer controls
Sound Studio 3 Monbot: Clean & Convert
free rating Freeverse Software
The Clean & Convert plug-in scrubs your audio clean with Noise Gate and Dynamics Compression.
The Clean & Convert plug-in scrubs your audio clean with Noise Gate and Dynamics Compression
free rating Juan Manuel Fluxa
Control Voltage Sequencer.
Output pin used for gate out. Serproxy - bridge
rating Melda Production
MMultiBandTransient is an advanced transient processor with simple controls, but powerful features...
sounds. Thanks to its multiband core it can
rating Mellowmuse
Mellowhead is a versatile guitar tube amplifier and fx...
in tuner and noise gate. Everything
Artillery II
rating Sugar Bytes
Effects are assigned to keyzones and can be triggered...
turn an EQ into a multiband comp
Pure Expander II
rating Flux Software
expansion to hard noise-gate. New functions
rating D16 Group Audio Software
Devastor is a simple but remarkable...
simple but remarkable Multiband Distortion Unit...synth Phoscyon. Being multiband, the sonic
rating WWAYM
Dynamix is a completely new way to waveshape...
an EQ or as a multiband compressor. Enlarge
rating TeamDNR
MixControl is a high quality, flexible and full featured channelstrip plug-in.
detection modes for gate/comp...flexible gate module Internal gate/comp sidechain
rating Wave Arts
MultiDynamics is a powerful multi-band dynamics processor with an elegant...
what is happening. Multiband dynamics processing do noise gating, by setting
rating Wave Arts
The ultimate channel strip plug-in, TrackPlug is an all-in-one processor.
dual multi-mode compressors, gate/expander, extensive sidechain options