
MicroRNA Targeting

Backside Attack
free rating
Element26, Inc.
Backside Attack is an educational app targeting students learning organic...
is an educational app targeting students learning organic chemistry
free rating
Nathan Salomonis and Bruce Conklin
AltAnalyze is an easy-to-use application for the end-to-end analysis of microarry, single-cell (ICGS)...
isoforms, domain composition and microRNA targeting
free rating
Alexander C. Zambon
GO-Elite is designed to identify a minimal non-redundant set of biological Ontology terms or pathways...
Pathway Commons), putative regulatory targets (transcription, microRNA, domains) and cellular
LA Cops
Modern Dream
LA Cops is a fast, action-packed 3D top-down shooter set to a theme of 70s Cops...
the bad guys. A smart targeting system UI allows
P3 Expeditor MAC Entreprise
rating P3 Software
P3Expeditor is a simple, fast and affordable system designed specifically for print buyers and resellers...
is a practical software system targeting the needs of commercial
voxReducer Kit II
free rating Loudsoftware
The VoxReducer Kit II application is designed to reduce the level of the main vocal track in a stereo music audio file using...
user interface for easily targeting and reducing the vocal
Intego VirusBarrier X8
rating Intego
Intego VirusBarrier X8 provides around-the-clock protection against the growing...
number of malware threats targeting Macs. It detects
Shadow of Legend
free rating SmartCell Technology
Shadow of Legend is the world's first High-Performance, Cross-Platform 2D MMORPG...
Online Role Playing Game) targeting mobile devices. Players