
IMac Models

iMac EFI Firmware Update
free rating
iMac (late 2013) EFI Update is recommended for iMac (late 2013) models...
is recommended for iMac (late 2013) models. This update
iMac SuperDrive Update
free rating
Apple Inc.
The iMac SuperDrive Firmware Update 1.0 application installs new firmware on the SuperDrive...
the 2x SuperDrive in iMac. You must perform...is required only for iMac models with 15" flat panel
Apple iMac Graphic FW Update
free rating
Apple Inc.
iMac Graphic FW Update is a firmware update designed to help you fix a graphics...
that may cause your iMac to hang under certain...Namely, it prevents your iMac to hang during startup
27-inch iMac EFI FW Update
free rating
Apple Inc.
27-inch iMac EFI FW Update is recommended for all quad-core Intel Core i5 and Core i7 processors...
27-inch iMac EFI FW Update...i7 processors 27-inch iMacs. The app...powering on the iMac
Apple iMac Software Update
for mid 2007 2.0, 2.4, 2.8GHz 20"/24" iMacs What's new in this version: This update provides important bug fixes...
2.0, 2.4, 2.8GHz 20"/24" iMacs What's...inch and 24-inch iMac models with 2.0, 2.4, or 2
Apple iMac 10.8.5 Supplemental Update
free rating
The iMac OS X v10.8.5 Supplemental Update 1.0 is recommended for iMacs...
Update 1.0 is recommended for iMacs (Late 2013) using
iMac Graphics Update
free rating
Apple Inc.
iMac Graphics Update fixes an issue that may cause iMac computers to become unresponsive when viewing...
that may cause iMac computers to become...one of the following iMac models, viewing certain
iMac Update
free rating Apple
In response to initial customer and developer feedback, Apple has made improvements...
software for iMac customers. The iMac Update 1.1...previously released in iMac Update 1.0
iMac DVD-ROM Update
free rating Apple
This update places new firmware on the DVD-ROM drive shipped...
drive shipped in iMac DV and iMac DV Special...It improves the iMac DV models
Apple iMac EFI Firmware Update
free rating Apple
This update is recommended for all iMac (late 2012) models. This update contains general performance fixes pertaining...
recommended for all iMac (late 2012) models. This update contains
Apple iMac Graphics Firmware
free rating Apple
This firmware update fixes a graphics issue that may cause an iMac to hang...
may cause an iMac to hang...power on your iMac during this update...result in your iMac failing
Apple iMac CD Update
free rating Apple
This vibration is typically caused by unbalanced CDs spinning at higher speeds...
can occur on some iMac models...This update replaces "iMac CD Firmware Update 1.0"
Apple iMac SuperDrive Update
free rating Apple
New firmware on the SuperDrive which addresses an incompatibility with 4x DVD...
the 2x SuperDrive in iMac. You must perform...is required only for iMac models with 15" flat panel
Apple iMac Power Management Update
free rating Apple
Many people switch off their power strips or unplug their computers to conserve energy...
When you disconnect your iMac from power ...this update, your iMac will keep these settings
Apple iMac Intel
free rating Apple
firmware update What's new in this version: This firmware update is for iMac...
firmware update is for iMac (early 2006) computers