
Horse Races

Greyhound Predictor
rating GreyhoundPredictor.com
Predict your own winners with this real-time greyhound tipping tool, simulator and game...
Whilst running the race the 'predictor' takes...outcomes for the same race
Abandoned Castle Studios: Kingdoms of War
free rating Abandoned Castle Studios
Game requires free account signup. Kingdoms of war is a huge persistent fiefdom/Kingdom empire...
building types, five unique races (humans, elves, dwarves, amazons
Laser Squad Nemesis
rating Codo Technologies
The award winning strategy game from the creators of the X-Com series. Play Marine, Machina...
are a sentient robotic race, originally...watching the human race since
Elven Legacy
rating Paradox Interactive
Elven Legacy is a fantasy strategy game set in a world filled with elves, orcs, and magic. Nearly a thousand years ago...
forces of the three races were insufficient