
Hebrew Vowels

CSV to PDF Converter
rating Canyua Software
CSV to PDF - Edit CSV & TSV, Convert CSV to PDF, Insert Title and Image...
1255 (Visual and Logical Hebrew) - TIS-620 (Thai)
Textual 4
rating jalada
Textual 4 is the text edit environment for Mac OS X...
Polish, Spanish, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Japanese
Easy Screen OCR
free rating Tong Zhang
Note: In upgraded EasyScreenOCR 2.0.0, we have made a great improvement.
/ French / German / Greek / Gujarati / Hebrew / Hindi / Hungarian / Icelandic /
L10n Dictionary
rating Viacheslav Kolmakov
Localization Dictionary provides...
Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Indonesian
JLearnIt For Mac
free rating Japplis
JlearnIt is a multilingual dictionary sorted by categories that helps...
Spanish, Dutch, German, Italian, Hebrew, Portuguese, Swedish, Danish, Norwegian