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Chord Progressions Course 106
Fender Telecaster Dvi
rating Sonic Network Inc
You'll love this guitar for its sheer versatility and playability.
and 2 finger snap velocities Chords: Mutes and Up &...Minor7, and Seven Sus4 chord shapes
Chord Suggestor
rating Chord Suggestor Team
free rating ChordCast Team
ChordCast is a chord editor written in Java.
XML format to save chord...using PNG images for chords. It requires J2RE 1.4
WIDI Audio To MIDI Audio Unit
It is designed for real...
plugin recognizes chords and displays chord...the delay of chord indication. Adjustable
Chord Reference
free rating
Chord Studio
rating StudioSoft
It is: Educational, telling you the name of a given combination of notes...
you experiment with chord sounds in a unique...a normal sequencer. Chord Studio can play through
MIDI Chord Helper
rating Akiyoshi Kamide
Chord Player
rating Apple Inc.
One Man Band Essentials
rating Jos Maas
Virtual arranger keyboard and style editor. Real time chord recognition. Converts any computer...
style editor. Real time chord recognition. Converts any computer
Kangas Sound Editor
free rating KangaSound
The user can synthesize sound effects and music effectively from scratch using this program...
of the instrument/sound/chord group etc
Acoustic Legends HD
rating Vir2 Instruments
Presenting $40,000 of the finest acoustic guitars, sampled in glorious high definition 24...
harmonics, harmonic chords, mutes, chords ...HD also features chord banks containing
Intervallogic free
free rating RSM Records
Intervallogic-free is a comprehensive ear-training software for musicians. Based on a programmed learning model...
sounds to generate chords, melodies, rhythms, and chord progressions
