Top rated in Education
Piece of software that helps you learn foreign languages.
There are two parts to the MoonMenu package: MoonMenu for the Menubar MoonMenu draws the current phase of the moon in the menubar.
Genealogy app focusing on the individual rather than family.
Extraordinarily powerful and extensible graphing, data analysis, and programming tool for scientists and engineers.
ApE reads DNA Strider, Fasta, Genbank and EMBL files.
Easy-to-use math calculator that immediately computes the result as you type a math expression.
Create customized graph paper sheets for different purposes.
Remember content on any subject.
Find dead pixels on LCD screens.
A chemistry tool that displays molecules and allows you to interact with them.
Reference Tracker creates documents that store all the citations and references in your essays...
View and analyze LabChart data files.
Diary features include... - Easily start recording high quality...
Description NuKit is a bundle of...
Simulate x-ray & neutron powder diffraction from crystals.
Build, display, manipulate crystal and molecular structures.
Note: Clicking the 'Download' link above opens a page on the developer's site which requires Microsoft's Silverlight.
Inexpensive, easy-to-learn program for producing, analyzing...
Faster tool for dictionaries verification & repairing
CLC Sequence Viewer is a program supporting your daily bioinformatics work.
Gradebook tracks students, assignments and scores.
This is a revolutionary "award-winning" virtual instrument.
It creates and delivers visual, simulations for teaching science.
Is an application wrapper for the Google Translation online service.