3D Sumo Babies Ballerinas (Classic)

Display a classical dancing 3D baby ballerinas on your desktop.

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3D Sumo Baby Ballerinas dance a ballet to classical music as Japanese characters float past. These babies are very cute and the juxtaposition of baby sumo wrestlers doing ballet is incredibly funny.

Choose from 1, 3 or 5 dancing Sumo Babies. Change tint to give a morning, evening or night effect, or go wild and make everything purple. Demo contains full set of features. Settings control panel allows user to select number, color, size, fade and velocity of floating symbols animations. Have fun customizing this screen saver to your preferences including those listed above and tint, brightness, sound mute and volume control. Supports dual monitors. Contains animated gif images and mp3 sound files. Registered version doesn't have the overlay text and never expires. Available at a substantial per screen saver discount when purchased in a set. Version 4.0 features expanded control panel.

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