PokerCruncher - Basic - Poker Odds Calculator 15.1

PokerCruncher-Basic is a simple, flexible, and easy-to-use Texas Hold'em odds calculator.
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15.1 See all
Used by 5 people
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PokerCruncher-Basic is a simple, flexible, and easy-to-use Texas Hold'em odds calculator. Even though this is the Basic version of PokerCruncher, it has features that some other odds calculators don't have, such as random hands, hand type stats, dead cards, and n:1 odds.
PokerCruncher-Basic has a clean, efficient, easy-to-use interface. It's a native app that runs locally on your machine (internet connection not needed) so using it is much faster than using a website-based odds calculator.
Full Version of PokerCruncher:
If you want to do some seriously powerful Hold'em odds analysis, check out the advanced version of PokerCruncher, which is more powerful than even PokerStove. PokerCruncher-Advanced has fully general hand ranges, Deal-To-Flop and flop texture analysis, many stats, and much more.
PokerCruncher's full version has great reviews from poker experts like, Bluff Magazine, the TwoPlusTwo forum (400+ posts), and Guide To Casino Gambling. See our website for links.
"Although there are a ton of poker iPhone applications available in the iTunes store, none are focused on actually making the user a better poker player.  Enter applications developed by PokerCruncher..."
+ Runs locally on machine, internet connection not needed
+ Fast Monte Carlo simulation, complete enumeration for some common cases
+ General tool, e.g. up to 10 players
+ Specific cards, random/unknown cards, for each player (full version has hand ranges)
+ Hand type stats: odds for making OnePair, TwoPair, etc.
+ Generate random player and board cards to set up what-if scenarios
+ Dead cards
+ Fold/Un-Fold players
+ Save/load scenarios (hands)
+ %age's or n:1 odds
App Store reviews are greatly appreciated, thank you.

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  • Texas odds calculator mac os x
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