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AXON AX 100 Editor offers direct on-screen access to all parameters of the AXON AX 100 MKII. All you need is a computer (PC or Mac) that has a MIDI interface (generally an integral component of the soundcard) with an input and output.
To work with the Editor, you must have a bidirectional connection between the AXON AX 100 MKII and a MIDI interface.

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— Is there a version of the Axon AX100 Mark II Editor updated to work with Mac OS Catalina 10.15.7?
Yes, there is an updated version of the Axon AX100 Mark II Editor that is compatible with Mac OS Catalina 10.15.7.

Connected to a computer via USB: this gives you access to the full range of parame-ters and lets you configure the AXON via the editor software. You can also transfer MIDI data to your computer directly via the USB port.
The editor is now ready to use, letting you remotely control the AXON AX 50 USB in real time and monitor the results.

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