Purity 1.2.7 social advice

Mac users interested in Purity 1.2.7 generally download:

Purity 1.3

Purity is a powerful application used for improving the sounds generated with digital instruments. It allows the users to break the limitations that come with using normally connected MIDI instruments. The main interface is nicely split into two small windows, one that offers access to program settings and one that resembles a piano keyboard.

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— how do I download on Mac it says it doesn't support Microsoft files?
The program "Purity" for Mac does not support Microsoft files, so the user needs to make sure they are downloading the correct version of the program that is compatible with their files.

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Acronym Checker simply checks an acronym for validity.

gives it a purity rating 

This is a drag and drop library for Purity Software's WebSiphon...

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