Evernote mac snow leopard social advice

Mac users interested in Evernote mac snow leopard generally download:

Evernote 10.82 Free

Evernote is more than a note-taking utility for Mac. With its help, you can set reminders, store your important files, organize your project ideas, share documents or to-dos, and so much more.
To use this program you would need to create a personal account on the Evernote webpage or log in to your Google account.

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— The apparent 7.9 version is actually the iOS version. The Mac available on the Evernote site is still 6.3 and one would never expect a version change from 6.3 to 7.9, maybe 6.3 to 7.0.
If you believe it's an error, do like I did on apps I have found they had wrong data. This happens probably because both versions of Evernote have the same name. However, access the Evernote's... Read more